Tuesday, November 4, 2014

WANDERLUST Around New Orleans

by Angeles

I am a dreamer and I love to travel.
Love fashion, love art and I have a big deep passion for anything creative .... and this Wanderlust Clutch got me crazy about it..... it needs to be out and needs to be around the world!
Don't you think?

Kisses and see you soon!


Pictures by Mikey Muench

Top - Zara
Shorts - Gap
Wanderlust Clutch - Furor Moda
Sunglasses - Celine
Flower Brooch - Angeles Almuna Design
Boots - Aldo Shoes

1 comment:

You make my day when you leave a comment, could be just a thought, could be a smile, but I feel a good approach from you, thank you.
It’s a new journey everyday and I would like to share with you what it’s happening in my passionate fashion life.

