Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today Is My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

by Angeles

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!
Yes!!!!! Today is my birthday and I have to be happy ..... although (as you see on the photo ) I have a fracture in my wrist because on Wednesday I fell on a couple of steps :( ..... it was painful but now I have a cast from my hand to the elbow and I need to recover.
But I need to be grateful and so happy because I'm alive with fabulous people who are 
helping me and they love me!
Thank you so much to my husband who is the best!!!! I love you!!!!!!

Kisses and see you around my friends!
Pictures by Angeleslmuna


  1. Happy belated Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful day. Delicious cake :)

    Don't miss tomorrow Gucci's Live Show from Milan at Sick by Trend!



You make my day when you leave a comment, could be just a thought, could be a smile, but I feel a good approach from you, thank you.
It’s a new journey everyday and I would like to share with you what it’s happening in my passionate fashion life.

