Monday, June 20, 2011

MY Birthday WISH List........

My Birthday is coming soon!!!!!  
Thursday 23th of June.
So , if you know me.... you already know what I love...if you have a WISH list of my favorites things that I would love to have with me now!!!!!
But remember's just a can give me love, a smile, a nice HELLO or 
just remember this day......

Everything about FILMS from books Taschen / CHLOE Rachel bow-embellished leather clutch / ZARA Satin sandal with wooden heel / 
PRADA Minimal Baroque Sunglasses / House of Harlow 1960 Sunglasses Chelsea Cat Eye Sunglasses /
ZARA Jersey Blazer in Plum / Fashion Now book by TASCHEN /
PARIS to have the opportunity to go to Paris with my's much better to visit the City of lights with the person that you love.

Kisses and happy WEEK to ALL!


  1. Vay, vaya, espero acordarme, felicidades cielo con antelación, cumplir años es fantástico, estamnos bien, todo va bien.
    Espero que te traigan lo que pidas y desees, te mereces lo mejor, amuaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. Have a wonderful Birthday and may you receive the best wishes and gifts and love from your close ones!! :)


  3. Love your wish list! Happy Birthday in advance!


  4. I just want to wish you an early Birthday wish even though it's only Wednesday! I hope you get everything on your wishlist! The Zara shoes are gorgeous! xoxoxoo

  5. been in love with those prada sunnies - theyre so fabulous and the perfect indulgent birthday present xx


You make my day when you leave a comment, could be just a thought, could be a smile, but I feel a good approach from you, thank you.
It’s a new journey everyday and I would like to share with you what it’s happening in my passionate fashion life.

